- Target: General Assembly Environmental Issues (The United Nations General Assembly/President USA Barack Obama and Congress and UNSECO
- Sponsored by: The Power of Animal Spirit
We the signed, want the United Nations to recognize, respect and encourage the value of the wolf worldwide and recognize the threat of impending extinction. We encourage all UN participating countries to manage wolves at the highest governmental tier. Enact special protection of the wolves against brutalization and persecution for political agendas or for purpose of monetary gain.
In the USA, we want President Barack Obama and Congress to relist the gray wolf into federal protection permanently at this point in time because they are near extinction or may already be extinct and they do not report all the killings to federal agencies from people who poach.
1. Ban all pups from being gased in their dens and put in sacks and smashed on the ground until dead. Also being bow and arrowed in their stomachs which causes such painful deaths and suffering.
2. Ban the use of all small dogs and cats and other small live animals they use to bait the wolf then gut shoot them.
3 Ban all hunters from raising and breeding cats and dogs for this purpose.
4. Ban all poaching, any hunters or person should be charged to the fullest extent of the law and lose their
license to ever hunt again.
5. Ban all trapping and snares which cause torture and excruciating pain to an animal
6. Ban all recordings of pups to lure the wolf to come to their help only to face gut shots.
7. Ban all the sadistic killings of the wolves with any kind of poison or other means that would
slow deaths.
8. Ban the use of helicopters chasing the wolfs until exhausted then shooting them not always killing them leaving them to suffer until death
9. Ban ATV's and snowmobiles on chasing the wolves until they are exhausted .Then the hunters run over
them and shoot them.
10. States where the wolf is delisted have poor management and do not consider breeding pairs and kill only the healthy
leaving the weak and the old to reproduce.
This is inhumane and cruelty to animals.
There are many writings from biologists regarding the wolf one being Gordan Haber of Alaska, who has written time and time again about how important the wolf is to the eco-system and other wildlife. The wolf never kills the healthy in a pack of elk of moose only the weak and old leaving the healthy to survive and reproduce. The hunters are the ones who kill and over hunt the healthy not the wolf.
The great love we have for our dogs, a love that leads people to risk their lives for their pet I have done atleast on one occasion, is perhaps a reflection of the early pack between our species. Even the wolf seems to have kept some promise, for the wolf is the only large predator that does not attack humans. Despite the benefits we have reaped from this pairing, we deal wolves mostly death instead of the respect they deserve. If the wolf is to survive, we must pay our debt. Lets hope that, we find it within ourselves to share again, to ensure that the wolf will forever have its space.
http://www.nationalparkstraveler.com/2012/01/yellowstone-national-park-report-unesco-outlines-issues-parks-genetic-isolation-human-pressures9287 Carol DeMaula Carraturo
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