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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Amazon Stops Selling Whale Meat

Keep Your Dog Healthy!

"Amazon Stops Selling Whale Meat"
Check out this article brought to you by About.com. I think it's a Blessing when people of Great Mother Earth take their part in being responsible for their actions and the protection of Wildlife. Be Love, Feel Love, Show Love, Spread Love and Create New Love. Your Brother in Life, through Life, Geronimo Rubio.

Minke Whale

Following a report by the Environmental Investigation Agency (a private, non-profit organization), Amazon.com's Japanese language site is no longer selling whale products. The report, "Amazon.com's Unpalatable Profits," details how investigators found 147 whale products for sale on Amazon.co.jp in December of 2011. Amazon.co.jp is a wholly owned subsidiary of Seattle-based Amazon.com, and accounts for up to 15% of the company's annual income. EIA purchased eight whale meat products from Amazon and found that only three were properly labeled with the species, in accordance with Japanese law. Also, six of the eight samples exceeded Japanese limits for mercury contamination. Some of the advertised products included endangered species, listed onCITES Appendix I, which prohibits international trade in those species.
At least one sample included fin whale meat from Iceland. Because fin whales are listed underAppendix I of CITES and both Japan and Iceland are CITES members, this international trade violated the treaty. The sale of mislabeled products and the contaminated products also violated Japanese law. Furthermore, Amazon holds itself to a higher standard, with a policy against illegal wildlife products, including endangered species.
Twenty four hours after EIA and Humane Society International launched a public campaign against Amazon, all whale products have disappeared from the site. In response to a media inquiry, a spokesperson for Amazon stated, "The items you referenced are not available for sale."
The International Whaling Commission has a moratorium on commercial whaling, but Japan claims that its whaling is done for the purposes of scientific research, which is an exception to the moratorium. Japan has been trying to lift the moratorium on commercial whaling, withsupport from the Obama administration. Iceland continues to hunt whales under an objection to the moratorium.
Not every species of whale is endangered. In the United States, the sale of whale meat is illegal under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, regardless of whether a specific species is endangered or threatened.
From an animal rights standpoint, whale meat is no worse than the flesh of cows, pigs or chickens. But when there are laws protecting certain animals because they are endangered or because they are culturally favored, we owe it to those animals to use the tools available to us to protect them.
What you can do: The removal of whale products from the website is not enough. Amazon.com needs to adopt a new policy explicitly prohibiting the sale of whale products. EIA suggests four ways to help the campaign, including contacting Amazon.com Inc CEO Jeff Bezos at jeff@amazon.com. If you're short on time, use the HSI webform to contact Amazon.com and demand a new policy, here.
H/T to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for tweeting the story.
Steve Allen / Getty Images
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NEVER BE SILENT!!! PETA - Geronimo Rubio & Red Sky M

We must take care of all Our Brother's & Sister's in Life. This does not exclude the Animals of Great Mother Earth. We are all Related. It is Our Duty, Our Responsibility in Life to Preserve Life, Protect Life so that the Circle of Life Never becomes Broken. 

We are born of Love under One Great Spirit on Great Mother Earth. We must show Love & Respect to all Living. When we begin to lose Our Love & Respect for all Living Beings, the world we live in becomes Tainted and Unlivable for all, even the Human kind.

Be Love, Feel Love, Show Love, Spread Love & Create New Love. For it is us that Great Spirit has given us tis Responsibility to watch over and indure all Life. And we must own up to this Great Responsibility that we have been intrusted with.

You will always have the Love & Respect from Your Sister & Brother in Life, through Life on facebook. I Love You My red Sky M <3<3<3<3 ... Love Always, Red Sky M & Geronimo Happy Apache Rubio 2/28/2012

36 Hours Left ... World Spay Day 2012 online Pet Photo Contest

Go see if Your Pet can make the Grade against these other Beautiful Pets. Join in on the fun and maybe win some Prizes as well. From Your Brother in Life Geronimo Rubio.


To support World Spay Day, The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International host the World Spay Day Online Pet Photo Contest, a great opportunity to celebrate our pets, raise funds for spaying and neutering, and win great prizes

Entering the contest is easy and free—simply upload a digital photo of your pet and tell us a little about him or her. You can also enter as a memorial tribute to a pet who is no longer with us. 

Missy - cat

Nickname: Yoga Kitty
Favorite thing to do: Sleep
Most endearing bad habit: Missy puts dry food in the water bowl

She does Kitty Yoga in the middle of our kitchen floor every afternoon under the skylight to catch the sunlight! She makes muffins with her kitty paws while stretching out on her back like the picture

My Charity: Animal Friends Rescue Project (Pacific Grove, CA, United States)

- Jessica, Aptos, CA, United States

World Spay Day is an annual event of The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International to inspire people to save animals' lives by spaying or neutering pets and feral cats. World Spay Day officially takes place on the last Tuesday of February—but events will be running all through the month! The 17th annual World Spay Day is Feb. 28, 2012.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Enter the 2012 Spay Day Pet Photo Contest!!


To support World Spay Day, The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International host the World Spay Day Online Pet Photo Contest, a great opportunity to celebrate our pets, raise funds for spaying and neutering, and win great prizes

Entering the contest is easy and free—simply upload a digital photo of your pet and tell us a little about him or her. You can also enter as a memorial tribute to a pet who is no longer with us.

Ava - dog

Nickname: Little A
Favorite thing to do: Play Chase. She chases after me as I run around :)
Most endearing bad habit: Licking me all over after I apply lotion.

She is the sweetest puppy I know. She loves cuddling, licking, and playing. She hardly ever gets in to trouble. She is extremely funny and I could not imagine my life without her.

My Charity: All participating Spay Day organizations

- Kristin, Virginia Beach , VA, United States

Bon Appétit Adopts Strong Farm Animal Welfare Measures


Bon Appétit Adopts Strong Farm Animal Welfare Measures

Company Builds on McDonald’s Crate Announcement
At The HSUS, since our founding, we’ve been about the idea of protecting all animals, and that includes the animals used in agriculture. Every animal has the same will to live, and the same interest in avoiding pain and suffering.
We attempt to reach our members and other consumers with this message, so they can eat with a conscience and drive the market in the right direction. But we also work with companies to provide consumers with better options, and in the process, they, too, drive the market. Among the best of them has been Bon Appétit Management Company, which runs more than 400 dining operations for corporations, universities, museums, and specialty venues in 31 states. Since 2005, the company has led the way by using only cage-free shell (whole) eggs, supporting small-scale, sustainable agriculture, offering extensive and award-winning vegetarian options, and more.
Pigs in group housing
The HSUSPigs in group housing.
Today, Bon Appétit is making history by announcing the rollout ofthe food service industry’s most comprehensive farm animal welfare policy to date.
Within three years, Bon Appétit will end the purchase of all pork products that come from pigs bred using gestation crates, all eggs that come from hens confined in barren battery cages (including liquid eggs, which weren’t covered in the company’s previous policy), all veal that comes from crated calves, and all foie gras. The company will also increase the percentage of meat it purchases from farms that receive the highest animal welfare certifications, like those of Humane Farm Animal Care, Animal Welfare Approved, Global Animal Partnership or Food Alliance, and it will continue promoting a reduction in meat consumption as part of its Low Carbon Diet initiative.
For years, company executives have been working to eliminate the worst abuses farm animals suffer. The company’s CEO, Fedele Bauccio, served on the prestigious Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production, which issued a landmark report calling for an end to gestation crate, battery cage, and veal crate confinement of farm animals. Bon Appétit organized a TEDx event to examine ethical issues surrounding food production that included factory farming’s effects on animals.
The company has also consistently endorsed legislation to outlaw extreme confinement practices in agribusiness, including 2008’s Proposition 2 in California.
Today’s announcement by Bon Appétit is yet another benchmark for others in the food service sector to strive to reach. The company is demonstrating that being socially responsible is not a bromide or a slogan, but an operational principle.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Low Cost or Free Spay - Neuter Programs in the United States

Dog Food Secrets!

Low Cost or Free Spay - Neuter Programs in the United States

Below are programs that provide low cost or free spay/neuter for cats, listed by state. Some programs work only with pets of people with low incomes. Some do not consider income but serve only pet cats -- or only feral (untame) cats. But other programs serve all kinds of people and cats. We believe the listing details below are correct at this writing, but call the program to be sure.
If you know about other low cost or free spay/neuter programs or if you have updates to our listings, please contact us by clicking here.
If you don't find a service listed for your area, don't give up. First, call the offices of Spay/USA and of Friends of Animals (see Nationwide below). They have information about discount spay/neuter services in many towns across the country.

Cat Secrets Revealed!

Spay or Neuter your Pets Please. There are so many Suffering on the streets today and we really need to help these Animals that so many don't seem to care about. I, Geronimo Rubio and My Beautiful Fiance Red Sky M Love & Respect all Living under One Great Spirit on Great Mother Earth. Be Love, Feel Love, Show Love, Spread Love & Create New Love.

A video of cats doing weird and hilarious things.

Professional Cat Tree Plans Click Here!

A video of cats doing weird and hilarious things. This Video is so Cute I just had to shre it as I Truly Love Cats and their Many Different Personalities & Traits. Enjoy from Geronimo Rubio

Professional Cat Tree Plans Click Here!

Stop the Inhumane cruelty to wolves

4 Earth Solar Power!

Stop the Inhumane cruelty to wolves
via Facebook, The Care2 Petion Site
& Geronmo Rubio

To Stop the Inhumane cruelty to wolves

  • Target:  General Assembly Environmental Issues (The United Nations General  Assembly/President USA Barack Obama and Congress and UNSECO
  • Sponsored by: The Power of Animal Spirit
The worldwide human encroachment on wild areas, the ever growing agriculture and hunting industries, political fear mongering, and long endured fairy tales and legends-the iconic, majestic wolf is being pushed to the edge of extinction.

We the signed, want the United Nations to recognize, respect and encourage the value of the wolf worldwide and recognize the threat of impending extinction.  We encourage all UN participating countries to manage wolves at the highest governmental tier.  Enact special protection of the wolves against brutalization  and persecution for political agendas or for purpose of monetary gain.

In the USA, we want President Barack Obama and Congress to relist the gray wolf into federal protection permanently at this point in time because they are near extinction or may already be extinct and they do not report all the killings to federal agencies from people who poach.

1.  Ban all pups from being gased in their dens and put in sacks and smashed on the ground until dead.      Also being bow and arrowed in their stomachs which causes such painful deaths and suffering.

2.  Ban the use of all small dogs and cats and other small live animals they use to bait the wolf then gut      shoot them.

3  Ban all hunters from raising and breeding cats and dogs for this purpose.

4.  Ban all poaching, any hunters or person should be charged to the fullest extent of the law and lose their
     license to ever hunt again.

5.  Ban all trapping and snares which cause torture and excruciating pain to an animal

6.  Ban all recordings of pups to lure the wolf to come to their help only to face gut shots.

7.  Ban all the sadistic killings of the wolves with any kind of poison or other means that would
     slow deaths.

8.   Ban the use of helicopters chasing the wolfs until exhausted then shooting them not always killing        them leaving them to suffer until death

9.   Ban ATV's and snowmobiles on chasing the wolves until they are exhausted .Then the hunters run over
      them and shoot them.
10. States where the wolf is delisted have poor management and do not consider breeding pairs and kill only the healthy
       leaving the weak and the old to reproduce.
This is inhumane and cruelty to animals.

There are many writings from biologists regarding the wolf one  being Gordan Haber of Alaska, who has written time and time again about how important the wolf is to the eco-system and other wildlife.  The wolf never kills the healthy in a pack of elk of moose only the weak and old leaving the healthy to survive and reproduce.  The hunters are the ones who kill and over hunt the healthy not the wolf.

The great love we have for our dogs, a love that leads people to risk their lives for their pet I have done atleast on one occasion, is perhaps a reflection of the early pack between our species.  Even the wolf seems to have kept some promise, for the wolf is the only large predator that does not attack humans.  Despite the benefits we have reaped from this pairing, we deal wolves mostly death instead of  the respect they deserve.  If the wolf is to survive, we must pay our debt.  Lets hope that, we find it within ourselves to share again, to ensure that the wolf will forever have its space.

http://www.nationalparkstraveler.com/2012/01/yellowstone-national-park-report-unesco-outlines-issues-parks-genetic-isolation-human-pressures9287                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Carol DeMaula Carraturo

4 Earth Solar Power!



via Causes, FAcebook & Geronimo Rubio


WATERLOO, Ont. -- After year-long deliberations and a multi-stakeholder four-day workshop, Minister of Natural Resources John Snobelen's Wolf Advisory Committee has agreed upon a set of actions that, if accepted by the minister, will help assure a more certain future for the wolf population of Algonquin Park.

Results of 14 years of research have shown that this population, genetically purest of the highly endangered red wolf, is non-sustainable. The major problem is an unacceptable level of human killing in townships adjacent to the park, used by park wolves as part of their territory and also when following deer to wintering areas.

Read more here:

1. Sign a petition to save the Algonquin Park Red Wolves here: http://www.petitiononline.com/wolf2004/petition.html

Donations Go To

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 36-4198114

Please help this precious creature to find a home ♥♥♥

Healthy Dog Secrets!

Please help this precious creature to find a home ♥♥♥
via Facebook & Geronimo Rubio

‎"Baby" -Beautiful SENIOR dog in CA, from hoarder situation, needs a hm or rescue grp
♥ Baby is a 10 year old male Shepherd/Lab mix. He is beautiful.

I am writing to everyone I can think of who might be able to help this
beautiful dog who came from a hoarder situation in CA. He needs a
rescue grp or a forever home. As you read the original e-mails, you'll
see there isn't help available in CA at this time. A kind & generous
animal lover has volunteered to donate money to help with vet care
and costs associated with transporting him.
Please please help! Also open to any suggestions and please fwd to anyone you think might be able to help...
Lots of photos incl... he looks so sad, but he is certainly a beautiful

Thanks so much!
CONTACT joandoe@sbcglobal.net***

**original e-mails from Nancy joandoe@sbcglobal.net*** photos follow e-mails
Hi again!
Here are some pictures of the 10 year old we are trying to save. Just no luck
in California as most rescuers are faced with here. It is so sad! Most of my
rescues lately have been out of state. Maybe these pictures...will help you find
someone to take him. Expenses paid as you know:) This was one of the first
e-mails I have on him. Many more since then and it has only been a day or so.
We are desperate for him. Thanks so much for helping.

--- On Fri, 2/17/12, NancyV wrote:
From: NancyV
Subject: Re: Fw: Pictures of Baby
To: dnv816@sbcglobal.net
Date: Friday, February 17, 2012, 1:20 PM

Hi Vicki,
. . . they are hoarders and their place was foreclosed so they have dogs stashed
everywhere. One was euthanized and they say they'll give up some of the dogs.
This is Baby. I am desperately trying to find a home for this great dog.
I do not know where you are located, but all transportation fees, vet certificates
if needed, etc. will be paid for. . . . When these people are busted, this old baby
will not have a chance to be adopted here in La Mirada, Ca. I am trying to rescue
as many as I can to save their lives.
Thank you so much. This is one of the most saddest situations I have seen and I
have been a State Humane Officer. This boy deserves to live and be taken way
from this mess.
Thanks. . . . 

Nancy Vernand, Ojai, Ca.
Subject: La Mirada - Urgent Senior in need of help - Baby 10 y/o Shepard mix

...very hard to get these precious animals out of a bad situations. I do not
any more information than that, I wish I did then I could do more to help
the dogs and Sid.
Please network
By: Donna Durbin

Healthy Dog Secrets!
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